LIFE16 CCA/HU/000115
"Municipalities as integrators and coordinators
in adaptation to climate change"
The General Assembly of Pest County held it’s 8th climate change platform’s meeting. At the event several national experts drew attention to the importance of climate change and rainwater management.
Following the greeting of István Szabó, Chairman of the Pest County General Assembly, Kálmán Buzás dr. (Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics) talked about the adaptive capability of settlements and the issues changed by climate change, then following on the design methods (past-present-future) and introduced design and network operation methods. Zsuzsanna Nagy dr., Head of DHI Hungary, introduced the concept of rainwater management on settlement level, highlighting the importance of planning and creating sustainable long-term urban investments and climate strategies. Right after that, she described some sample solutions for complex analysis. In addition, she presented modern and clever applications to reduce rainwater overflows through domestic examples. Afterwards, Zsuzsanna Hercig, LIFE project manager, Coordination Office for Municipalities (MoI), gave a presentation about the LIFE-MICACC project, coordinated by the Ministry of Interior and implemented by 9 other partner organisations. In the presentation, she discussed the various beneficial effects of ecosystem-based adaptation methods on water management and sustainable land use at settlement and river basin level, and also reported on the project objectives and achievements up to date.
The last presentation was given by András Begyik, Senior Project Coordinator, Association of Climate-Friendly Municipalities (AOCFM), LIFE-MICACC project. He presented the four professional documents prepared by the AOCFM in the framework of the LIFE-MICACC project: “Rainfall management at home”, “Green roofs”, “Ecosystem services for wetlands”, “Climate resilient settlement-planning”. He said that the leaflets mentioned above were made to raise awareness and provide basic information for the leaders and inhabitants of the settlements. Finally, he also briefly informed the audience about the project related study trips and trainings organized by the AOCFM.