LIFE16 CCA/HU/000115

"Municipalities as integrators and coordinators
in adaptation to climate change"

Dear Visitor!

Welcome to the website of the “Municipalities as integrators and coordinators in adaptation to climate change” LIFE16 CCA/HU/000115 (LIFE-MICACC) project!

The project implementation has begun in September 2017 under the leadership of the Ministry of Interior of Hungary as coordinating beneficiary. Within the Ministry, the Coordination Office for Municipalities subordinated to the Secretary of Munincipalities is the responsible department for the professional implementation of the LIFE-MICACC project.

For the successful implementation of the LIFE-MICACC project nine further partners cooperate as associated beneficiaries: five Hungarian municipalities, where the 5 NWRM (Natural Water Retention Project) pilot projects will be designed and implemented, and four Hungarian organizations with relevant professional knowledge (water management, the protection of nature, climate-friendly municipalities, innovation).

The project has special importance not only to the cooperating partners but it is also a milestone for Hungary as well. Proudly I can say, that this is the first successful Hungarian project (with a leading Hungarian coordinating beneficiary) whitin the framework of LIFE Climate Action Sub-program. I hope that in the coming years we will be able to disseminate project results which will improve the adaptation abilities to climate change in Hungary, in accordance with the objectives set in European Union policies.

Climate change is a global issue. Our country faces the negative effects more often in the recent years. Hungary is exposed to climate change, there are many vulnerable municipalities at local level. The floods, flash floods and droughts occur more and more frequently with devastating effects at the vulnerable areas. There were many national programme initiated to solve these problems. However, this LIFE-MICACC project offers innovative solutions especially for local governments to integrate climate adaptation into local programmes and strategies.

Our main objective is to raise awareness and increase knowledge of decision makers, experts and other fellow employees of the local governments about the impacts of climate change and the ecosystem-based Natural Water Retention Measures (NWRM). Therefore in the first phase of the project we intend to increase the water retaining abilities of the five partner municipalities exposed to the negative effects of climate change. With the contribution of the nine cooperating partners we can implement a „good practice” which can be serve as a sample for other municipalities struggling with the same climatic problems.

During the project we design and test NWRM prototypes, organize trainings to the local governments’ decision-makers and experts, and we create innovative and user-friendly smart IT tools for the Hungarian municipalities. Besides, we promote chanelling existing good practices, and support municipalities to join Hungarian or European networks. These project activities contribute to understand the climate change-related risks, share the knowledge and develop the adaptation abilities.

This website was created to provide continuous information about the project progress, the implementation of project activities, achieved results and to ensure up-to-date information for those who interested in the topic.

I wish a useful browsing and reading for all the visitors!

Dr. Miklós DUKAI

deputy state secretary
for municipalities

Project partners

Minister of Interior Bátya KTSZ General Directorate of Water Management (OVF) Pannon Pro Innovations Püspökszilágy Rákócziújfalu Ruzsa Tiszatarján WWF Hungary LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS