LIFE16 CCA/HU/000115

"Municipalities as integrators and coordinators
in adaptation to climate change"

Pond from drops in Ruzsa

We are nearly at the end of the investment of a cleaned drinking water’s decanted water artificial reservoir in the Dózsa park, downtown Ruzsa. The multi-tiered bottom, the deliberate ecologically designed lake bed slowly fills up with water. The environment around the lake will also be recreated:  the planting begins, the small cooking area is also designated and a BMX field is being created to meet the needs of young people. We would like to create a new community space in the town, which allows residents to spend their free time in the spirit of sustainability, water saving and adapting to climate change. Moreover, it would be a replicable model solution for other municipalities as well. Here on the Sand Plateau of the Danube–Tisza interfluve water is a treasure. So it is extremely important in this area that we retain water in the settlements in any form, with innovative and ground-breaking solutions, rethink water management and moving on this path.

Gizella Sánta, Mayor of Ruzsa, holding a press conference on the pilot site in RuzsaA crampon on the siteThe construction of the multi-tiered  bottom of the lake has started

Project partners

Minister of Interior Bátya KTSZ General Directorate of Water Management (OVF) Pannon Pro Innovations Püspökszilágy Rákócziújfalu Ruzsa Tiszatarján WWF Hungary LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS