LIFE16 CCA/HU/000115
"Municipalities as integrators and coordinators
in adaptation to climate change"
The Association of Climate-Friendly Municipalities is organising a new online conference with the support of the Coordination Office for Municipalities of the Ministry of Interior of Hungary, the National Association of County Municipalities, the National Association of Municipalities and the National Association of Municipalities with County Rights.
Date: 20 April 2021, 10.00-13.00
Registration deadline: 19 April 2021, 10.00
The conference will be held using the Zoom app, and participants can ask questions on the Zoom chatbox. The answers of the speakers and the presentations will be made public to the registrants after the approval of the speakers. Confirmation will be sent after registration and a link to the conference will be sent to registrants on the afternoon of the 19th of April.
The language of the event is Hungarian.