LIFE16 CCA/HU/000115

"Municipalities as integrators and coordinators
in adaptation to climate change"

Networking visit in Denmark

The participants visited a traditional and an integrated Life project to build relationships, to exchange knowledge and experience, and learn about local Danish solutions to adapt to climate change. Both visits were successful and the partners returned with useful and good experiences. You can read a full travel report about each project here:

„Stream of Usserød” traditional Life project:

„Coast2Coast Climate Challenge” integrated Life project:

Usserod projectDanish colleague presenting the Coast2Coast Climate Challange project

Project partners

Minister of Interior Bátya KTSZ General Directorate of Water Management (OVF) Pannon Pro Innovations Püspökszilágy Rákócziújfalu Ruzsa Tiszatarján WWF Hungary LIFE LOGOS 4 WATERS