On the 16th September 2020, within the framework of the LIFE-MICACC project, a conference called “Municipalities in the fight against climate change” was held at Székesfehérvár. Despite the pandemic situation, the event attracted many interested people, where – among others – Dr. Miklós Dukai, Deputy State Secretary for Municipal Affairs also gave a speech. He highlighted the importance of adaptation, which is just as crucial in present pandemic situation than in case of climate change. During the event several project partner gave a presentation. Zsuzsanna Hercig, representing the Ministry of Interior presented the whole project partnership and the overall goals and achievements. She highlighted that the long-term objective of the Ministry of Interior is to encourage similar natural water retention measures among municipalities, with the project’s pilot sites serving as an example. Mátyás V. Farkas, from WWF Hungary addressed the issue of climate change, what does it mean and how it will affect us globally. He also presented several options for local adaptation, highlighting that the first steps have to be taken locally, the interventions should be carried out firstly on municipal level. Gizella Sánta, Mayor of Ruzsa, proudly described the importance of the completed natural water retention measures in Ruzsa. According to her, every age group can find pleasure around the small inland lake, lounging around the benches or cycling on the BMX hills. There is life around the lake, the residents feel like that the lake is a part of Ruzsa’s life, which also serves as a new habitat. The participants get to know about the new tender for the “Climate-friendly Award”, presented by Dorottya Horváth-Teveli from AoCFM. The presentations can be found under Documents (only in Hungarian). |