From November 19th 2019 the “National Municipal Water Management and Water Utility Conference“ was held in Győr by the General Directorate of Water Management. The three-day-long event was attended by professional staff from the Regional Directorates of Water Management and gave presentations on a number of current topics related to this year’s conference theme. Among other things, the topic of the tasks and objectives of the sector, on municipal rainwater management, local water damage prevention, and water and municipal related projects were presented. On the first day of the conference, the LIFE-MICACC project was introduced in two different presentations. In one presentation, Zsuzsanna Hercig, LIFE-MICACC project manager (Ministry of Interior), gave a comprehensive presentation about the LIFE-MICACC project, talked about the wide partnership, the key activities, the objectives and the project results achieved so far. In the second presentation, Zoltán Budai, Püspökszilágy’s climate change adaptation (CCA) referent, illustrated the extremes caused by climate change through illustrative examples, their negative effects, as well as the technical content of the pilot NWRM development in Püspökszilágy. As General Director István Láng highlighted in his video message, it is increasingly important to respond quickly and adapt to the extreme weather events caused by the climate change, and that occurs with increased frequency. In this work, water management professionals need to work closely with municipalities, supporting them to prevent, to defence and to adapt at local and at river basin level. |  |